Monday, July 15, 2013

Trouble with Magic by Asha Nehemiah

Title: Trouble with Magic
Author: Asha Nehemiah
Publisher: Duckbill Books

Price: INR 125/-

What is it about: Veena is a little girl brimming with bright ideas.  She gets Aunt Malu to use her magic to make something new and wonderful. But magic has its own rules and soon Veena and her aunt are in big trouble.  
 What is the trouble? How do they get out of it? Read the book to know more!

Why it stands Out:  Trouble with Magic oozes Asha’s characteristic style which essentially is funny and filled with crazy adventure.  The story is simple yet interestingly told.   Wonderfully illustrated this book is a good read for the 8-12 year age group.  

Will be best enjoyed by: 8-12 year olds

Tips for Moms and Teachers: Some activities you can link to this book are:
Talk about magic.  Take the story to a new level by telling children magic really lies within.  If we believe in ourselves we can change anything!
Talk about rules.  Why it’s not cool to break rules, perhaps?

Love Ratings?
Suspense Quotient: 4
Fun Quotient: 4
Simplicity Meter: 4
Visual appeal: 4
Thank God It’s Not Moral Science: 4

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